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How to Clean a SodaStream Machine Including the Bottles

Your brand new SodaStream machine just arrived and you’re getting ready to make your first homemade soda. You’re excited to start saving money and maintain your soda addiction without producing any more waste.

Before you start making your own soda, stop and make sure you know how to take proper care of your SodaStream machine. These machines are pretty durable but anything can break down. The bottles should also be cleaned properly on a regular basis to make sure you don’t end up mixing flavors by accident.

How to Clean a SodaStream

Luckily the SodaStream machine is actually pretty easy to clean. All you have to do is remove the CO2 canister and wipe the machine carefully with a soft, damp cloth. The water you use should be lukewarm. You shouldn’t need anything other than water to keep your SodaStream machine clean.

How to Clean SodaStream Bottles

How you clean the bottle depends on what kind of bottle your SodaStream machine came with. If you chose one of the models that uses glass carafes, you’re one of the lucky ones. The glass carafes are designed to be easily washed and they’re even dishwasher friendly.

If the model you chose came with plastic bottles you’re not so lucky. The SodaStream plastic bottles are designed to last for three years, but they aren’t dishwasher friendly. Since they’re shaped like normal pop bottles, they’re not easy to clean either.

If you’ve been using the bottle purely for sparkling water and you haven’t used it many times, you can probably get away with a blitz clean. Start by filling the bottle halfway with water and tip it out. Do this a couple times to make sure the bottle is thoroughly rinsed, then fill it 75% with water, close it, and shake it vigorously. Empty it again and rinse it one last time.

By now the water coming from your tap should be scalding hot. Rinse your bottle cap thoroughly and get back to making soda.

If you’ve been using the bottle for a while or you let it dry out with SodaStream residue still in the bottom, you’ll want to do a full clean. This is very similar to the blitz cleaning process but a little more intense and involves using dish soap.

To start, fill your bottle with hot, soapy water and pour it out. Fill it again and this time screw on the cap. Shake the bottle vigorously for a few minutes and pour most of the water out. You can scrub the bottle now if you really want to, but it should be fine if you shake the remainder of the soapy mixture around a bit more and pour it out.

You’ll want to make sure you rinse thoroughly with extremely hot water. Nobody likes soapy soda and too much soapy residue can even reduce the amount of fizz you’re able to put in your next drink.


The most difficult part of maintaining your SodaStream machine in perfect combination will probably be resisting the urge to carbonate everything but water. Cleaning the machine is extremely simple and while cleaning the BPA free plastic bottles isn’t quite as easy, it’s a fairly simple process that won’t take up much of your day.

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  • Can you suggest the best way to get rid of stains left behind in the soda stream bottles, especially after orange flavoured soda.

    • Hey Noel! Your best best is try using a bit of lemon juice to remove stains. It can sometimes work better than soap because it's more acidic. Avoid using bleach as it can damage the bottle.

  • It's also a good idea to clean the grooves of the cap and bottle with a toothbrush. I find they inside of to be the dirtiest part, because it's the hardest to clean (and your method won't actually clean it).

  • Hi Julie! We broke down and tried to carbonate white wine. Ugh, what a mess! Now I need to know if I can submerge it in water to get it really clean. Do you know if that will hurt it?

    • Hi Christy! We made the same mistake and I was wondering if you tried submerging it in water? Did it worked? Thanks!

    • Oh no! I've never tried submerging one before so I'm not sure what would happen. Since there aren't any electrical components, my gut says it's ok, but I can't say for sure!

  • Hi, I recently purchased a sodastream at Goodwill for $4 (go me!). How do I remove all of the previous owner(s)' mouth germs from the plastic soda stream bottle? Is there anything else I should watch out for with a pre-owned soda stream machine?

    • Great find! Aside from dish soap, you could try cleaning it with a hot water and vinegar solution. Vinegar is very good at removing stains and odors.